About Us
We are a community of people who believe in taking action. Our role is to help you make the most effective donations possible in the fight against extreme poverty. Since our founding in 2013, we have compiled a list of research-backed charities working on interventions against the multidimensional factors of poverty, resulting in over $100 million donated to high-impact charities.
Our Vision
Our vision is to live in a world where there is no global poverty.
Our Mission
Our mission is to lift people out of poverty by changing the way people think about and donate to charity.
Cause Area
Poverty, Global Health and Development
Our Story
Founded in 2013 by philosopher Peter Singer and former executive Charlie Bresler, our own history demonstrates how one person asking themselves what their individual impact can be led to positive transformation for millions of people impacted by extreme poverty.
Our story begins when Charlie Bresler asked himself if and how he could make a difference in the world. A psychologist and business executive, Charlie was not a career politician or cultural influencer; but rather just a person who wanted to do something about economic inequality. Charlie picked up a copy of Peter Singer’s The Life You Can Save. Peter was a Princeton-based philosopher at the time and had written the book with the aim of encouraging everyday people to consider their moral obligation to help people living in extreme poverty.
In 2013, Charlie reached out to Peter via email and proposed the two collaborate to build an organization that would spread Peter’s ideas and raise money from readers like himself who were inspired to amplify their own giving journey. Charlie began to build the organization, giving Peter a new resource to present to audiences inspired by his writing and work. Over ten years and $100 million in donations later, we aim for a world where Peter and Charlie’s collaboration resonates with people across the globe.

Our Team
From researchers to business leaders and academics, our team applies their individual expertise and position in the world to create an effective movement of change. Working from around the globe, our team, research, and funds are here to help you maximize the impact of your donation to improve the lives of those living in extreme poverty.