Looking for the Perfect Gift? Five Outstanding Opportunities.

We value your support and the impact it has on our mission and the lives we affect. Every contribution matters. Much like when pooling resources to purchase a substantial gift for someone, it's quite typical to join forces with multiple individuals to achieve our shared goal, and we welcome that approach here.

Here are five meaningful giving opportunities for you to consider for your next gift:

Expand Nutrition Support Into Ethiopia


Sanku’s Mission: Provide children everywhere with the simple, inexpensive, basic nutritional support they require to survive and thrive; and achieve wide micronutrient coverage for at-risk communities in Africa and beyond.

The Giving Opportunity: Sanku has the opportunity to work with 400 millers to reach an estimated 50 million Ethiopians, or 40% of Ethiopia’s population. An estimated 25% of Ethiopia’s total population of 120 million is currently malnourished, and more than a third of Ethiopian children under 5 are stunted in their growth.

Sanku’s Fundraising Goals: 

  • With $560,000, Sanku can begin initial expansion to Ethiopia.
  • With $1 million, Sanku can invest in infrastructure to improve economies of scale and deploy services rapidly throughout the country.
  • With $5.3 million, Sanku can scale its model nationally and sustain its operation without additional philanthropic support.
We recommend donating offline to avoid fees. You may donate via credit card here, with 3% deducted by our third-party platform, Network For Good, to cover fees and other costs.

Increase Education Improvements To The Gambia


TaRL’s Mission: Support governments and organizations across Africa to accelerate children’s foundational skill learning using the evidence-based Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach.

The Giving Opportunity: The Gambia Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to addressing the learning crisis in The Gambia and implementing TaRL to accelerate student learning. 

TaRL’s Fundraising Goal: 

  • TaRL Africa seeks to raise $1 million to fund a pilot program that would impact over 15,000 children across 78 schools in the region. TaRL Africa believes this pilot program will serve as a demonstration case for a nationally scalable program.
We recommend donating offline to avoid fees. You may donate via credit card here, with 3% deducted by our third-party platform, Network For Good, to cover fees and other costs.

Deliver A One-Year Child Survival Intervention In Burkina Faso


DMI’s Mission: Development Media International (DMI) creates large-scale, evidence-based behavior change media campaigns in low-income countries using radio, television, and mobile video. DMI’s informative, engaging programming communicates vital health messages about maternal and child health, nutrition, hygiene and sanitation — often to remote, otherwise inaccessible regions.

The Giving Opportunity: Due to the dangers associated with travel in Burkina Faso, many face-to-face interventions focused on improving health in the region have ceased at a time of increased need. As a result, DMI’s radio campaigns — and the reliable, evidence-based health information they deliver — have become more vital than ever. Starting April 2024.

DMI’s Fundraising Goal: 

  • DMI is seeking $740,000 to fund a one-year campaign focused on child survival intervention. DMI estimates that this one-year intervention could save the lives of over 1,300 children.
We recommend donating offline to avoid fees. You may donate via credit card here, with 3% deducted by our third-party platform, Network For Good, to cover fees and other costs.

The Multiplier Effect

Over the last three years, each dollar invested in The Life You Can Save has generated an average of $15 in donations for our recommended nonprofits. Without generous supporters like you, our organization would not have been able to raise nearly $100M for high-impact nonprofits since our founding in 2013.

As one of our donors, we believe you understand and appreciate the difference our organization makes. As we look ahead to our next decade of organizational growth, we are asking you to help us fund two important opportunities and by doing so, help continue to spread Peter Singer’s ideas and raise funds for our recommended nonprofits.

Amplify Fundraising Initiatives In The US


We are looking to raise $150,000 for a new hire to our fundraising team, a US-based Major Gifts Officer. This role will help us reach new donors in the largest giving markets.

This person will actively be on the ground multiplying your donation by connecting new donors with our mission and recommendations, therefore increasing the impact you are having in the world. We are looking to fund the first year of salary for this role, as after that this role is projected to become self-sustaining. Feel free to reach out to our COO, Jessica La Mesa, with any questions, or to discuss this opportunity further.

We recommend donating offline to avoid fees. You may donate via credit card here, with 3% deducted by our third-party platform, Network For Good, to cover fees and other costs.

Connect More Donors With Their Impact


We understand how important it is to help our donors see the impact of their contributions. Earlier this year, we had the chance to send a few team members along with two videographers to visit three of our recommended nonprofits. The powerful stories we captured on film during that trip will soon be published in videos that will bring the lives of our beneficiaries closer to our donors.

We are seeking $50,000 to do more of this work. We are confident that circulating this informative, inspiring video content across our global network will enable us to multiply your investment many times over.

We recommend donating offline to avoid fees. You may donate via credit card here, with 3% deducted by our third-party platform, Network For Good, to cover fees and other costs.