In December, we shared the heartwarming story of 11-year-old Jade in Northern Territory, Australia, who made an art canvas for a school project in order to raise money for one of The Life You Can Save’s recommended charities, Against Malaria Foundation.
There appears to be an abundance of altruistic genes in Jade’s household, because her 9 year-old brother Nate recently undertook his own school project, in year 4 at Good Shepherd Lutheran College, to help achieve the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goal #1: No Poverty.
Nate sent a video to family and friends asking them to buy pretend bags of seeds at a cost A$2 each, explaining that he would donate the money he raised to One Acre Fund in order to help people grow crops so they could feed themselves and others and also sell their crops. With an initial goal of raising $A100, Nate was excited to see donations add up to A$196 in 24 hours! He then put in A$4 of his own money to bring the total to an impressive A$200.
For presentation of his project at school, Nate created a facts board and delivered this speech:
The United Nations have 17 goals to achieve by 2030. The goal I have chosen is no poverty. What is poverty? Did you know that currently 700 million people live in poverty by I have chosen seeds as a natural resource. Seeds can be grown to provide crops such as barley, wheat, corn, maize and potatoes. If people can grow crops they can feed themselves and others. They can also sell their crops to get money. Money can help them get good houses, healthcare and education. These things can break the cycle of poverty. So what can we do to help….. I decided I would help by raising money that could pay for seeds and farm equipment so that people in poverty can grow crops. I asked family and friends through a video to buy bags of seeds for $2 each. Letting them know I would send the money raised to a charity who would buy seeds and equipment. I was aiming to raise $100, I was so surprised when I raised $196 in 24 hours. I decided to add $4 of my money to round it up to $200. My mum then sent the money to a charity called One Acre’ Fund through an organization called The Life You Can Save. This money will help towards beating poverty but we still need to do more. I will continue to encourage others to not forget those living in poverty. We can all do something to help. We also need the governments around the world to support the UN in achieving the goals. |
Thanks, Nate, for being such a great representative of the latest generation of effective givers!